Before we begin I will warn you that Blog Farm Pro is not for the feint of heart. You will need to be a fairly experienced web user to realise the full potential of this set of tools. In particular you will need to be familiar with the Web Host Manager/Cpanel software. Having said that, there are very useful screen capture videos detailing every major process so if you can learn, you can use BFP.

On to the review … rarely does a piece of software come along which gets my juices flowing like this fantastic offering from a couple of guys who’ve managed to create what is possibly the most powerful set of tools you could find online to help you profit from blogging.

In case you haven’t heard, blogging is all the rage. There are even recognized blog awards putting this modern age phenomenon firmly on the map as something which allows almost anyone the chance to express their opinion and strike up a dialogue with those of a like mind. Very simply, a blog is an online diary with the option of allowing the readers to comment on the entries posted by the blog owner. A blog is a great ‘community builder’.

Partly because of the social aspects involved, search engines absolutely love blogs and using them as a way to make money with programs like Google Adsense can be very profitable. Using the free blog software known as WordPress it is very easy to set yourself up with a blog, begin posting content and hopefully begin profiting from clicks on your Adsense.

Once you begin down this route you soon begin to realize that three or four blogs are simply not enough if you want to make good money with contextual advertising programs such as Adsense. This is where it comes down to numbers pure and simple. To make real money using this method you need to dramatically scale up the number of blogs you own.

An initial target would be seven hundred to one thousand WordPress blogs. With this in mind, once you see how long it takes to setup one blog (even though the install process is very simple) you will realize that it could take you a very long time to set up enough blogs to begin making good money. When we are talking these kinds of numbers the system is referred to as a blog farm. Using blog farms there are some very tidy incomes being earned online but it does take work.

For this reason, I was very excited when my friend introduced me to Blog Farm Pro. For a minimal investment you gain access to an exclusive membership site providing you with a comprehensive set of tools which enables you to build anywhere from ten to as many as three hundred blogs or more in one day. I haven’t tried to calculate the amount of time this site has saved me but I know we are talking days not hours.