Renewable, environmental, conservation, and green energy are among the buzzwords often heard when referring to energy sources used by business. Commercial demands for energy are constantly growing, and the expectation that these sources will provide fewer emissions and particulates is growing daily. Can gas and electricity be the environmental solutions that business needs? Examining these two energy sources provide a wealth of information about their present commercial uses and where they are headed in the compare gas and electricity future.
The manufacturing industry is a huge consumer of energy. From assembling automobiles to baking cookies, large commercial enterprises are producing merchandise 24 hours a day. It requires vast amounts of reliable energy to keep the manufacturing industry and all its machinery running smoothly. Power outages can bring manufacturing to a standstill in just seconds. Both gas and electricity play important roles in commercial manufacturing, and as the demands for clean and renewable energy continue to grow, their role is being examined and compared.
The non-manufacturing industries, including construction, mining, and farming, also use a considerable amount of electricity to run equipment and to power energy-dependent services. Large dairies require huge refrigeration units to keep milk and its byproducts at cool temperatures. The mining industry uses electricity in the smelting and refining process, and the construction business uses electricity for their heavy-duty power tools. There are many more uses for electricity in the non-manufacturing industries.Electricity
Power plants are changing to be more environmentally friendly and are using fewer non-renewable fossil fuels to produce electricity. By “cleaning up their act” electricity producers are reducing their carbon footprint, while still producing and providing electricity to the most demanding consumers. These five manufacturing industries use more than 60% of all the electricity produced.