They are a unique marketing medium because they are personal to each and every user. What other marketing medium is carried around in someone’s pocket or SMS Marketing handbag?

It will be no surprise to small business operators that successful SMS texting campaigns require careful planning and consideration of questions such as:
When should I send the message?
Who should I send it Swedish SMS Service to?
What should I say?

When should you use SMS messaging?

SMS messaging is a great tool for messages that require only a short lead-time.

That is to say, messages that are transmitted within hours of the required action on the part of the target market.

Examples include a restaurant that has a ‘happy hour’ every night between 6pm and 7pm.

An SMS text messaging campaign could be created whereby a message is sent to patrons at 5pm to advise them of the ‘happy hour’.

An added ‘hook’ could also be included to encourage action e.g. The first 20 people through the door receive a free drink.

Another example where SMS messaging could be used to good effect, when there is a short lead-time between message and action, is a shop sale.

Retailers can message shoppers one hour before the sale commences, creating excitement, anticipation and, hopefully, action!